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Bufete Emmanuelli, C.S.P. | Urbanización Constancia | Calle San Francisco 2803 | Ponce | 00732-0779 | Puerto Rico |

Bufete Emmanuelli, C.S.P. Reciba orientación gratis y confidencial por un abogado o abogada, sobre la necesidad o conveniencia de una quiebra bajo los Capítulos 13 y 7. Además, tramitamos reclamaciones bajo el Seguro Social Federal. 787-848-0666. Agencia de Alivio de Deudas/Debt Relief Agency. Le ayudamos a radicar su quiebra bajo el Código de Quiebras Federal. Urbanización Constancia Calle San Francisco 2803 Ponce, Puerto Rico 00732-0779
Bajo el Capítulo 7 se descargan o perdonan sus deudas no aseguradas, como lo son los préstamos personales, deudas de tarjetas de crédito, entre otros. No son descargables las hipotecas, los préstamos de auto, las ventas condicionales sobre enseres, las hipotecas muebles sobre materiales de construcción, los préstamos estudiantiles, las pensiones alimentarias ni los impuestos de los últimos cuatro años. La descarga de las deudas no aseguradas que complicaban su presupuesto le permitirá contar con ingreso disponible para mejorar su calidad de vida.
El deudor radicará la petición solo o con su cónyuge, o de no estar legalmente casados, ambas personas pueden radicar peticiones separadas y pedir la consolidación de sus casos. Presentarán las planillas informativas de sus bienes y deudas y se solicitarán las exenciones aplicables bajo la Ley Federal para proteger sus bienes indispensables. Deberá también someter evidencia del valor de su casa, auto y del balance de sus deudas.
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Bufete Emmanuelli, C.S.P. | Urbanización Constancia | Calle San Francisco 2803 | Ponce | 00732-0779 | Puerto Rico |
Discharge of student loans in bankruptcy is an uphill battle according to a New York Times article. News papers these days abound with descriptions of truly desperate families saddled with massive student debt. The story of Ohio student loan debtor Doug Wallace, age 31, unemployed and legally blind is hardly unusual. In fact, it is so commonplace that bankruptcy lawyers hardly pay attention to such cases and their compelling facts.
While bankruptcy discharge of student loan debt is theoretically possible, and does occur in a few cases, it is a difficult proposition at best. A debtor seeking relief from student loan debt must convince the court their financial situation is not only hopeless; they must prove it will not likely change for the better in the future. Without dramatic facts, discharge of student loan debt is denied in most bankruptcy courts.
How did this awful situation come about? Why is it so hard to get rid of student loans? Why hasn't Congress done something about the problem? The reasons are as many as the number of dollar bills flooding the halls of power in Washington, DC. Poor students have no money to hire lobbyists but giant banking interests have plenty to spend on the best Congress money can buy.
In the 1970s, the bankruptcy code contained two options for the discharge of student loans. First, if the loan had been in a payment status for at least five years, the debt could be discharged just like any other debt. The second option, in the event the student loan did not qualify due to its payout status, allowed discharge in the event payment of the loans would cause an "undue hardship" for the debtor or the debtor's family. Only government guaranteed student loans were accorded this special protection.
The current legal standard for bankruptcy discharge of student loan debt was first formulated by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in a 1987 case called Brunner v. New York State Higher Education Services Corp., 831 F2d 395. The so called "Brunner Test" has been adopted by most federal courts throughout the country and is the bane of student loan debtors everywhere. All this came about due to word "undue", included by Congress, in the statute governing the dischargeability of student loans in bankruptcy cases.
The Brunner court in 1987, confronted with the undue hardship language, reasoned that the word "undue" must mean something more than just a regular hardship. So, in order to help define the law, it created a three prong test. The debtor was required to prove that (1) That the debtor cannot maintain, based on current income and expenses, a minimal standard of living for the debtor and dependents if forced to pay off student loans; (2) that additional circumstances exist indicating that this state of affairs is likely to persist for a significant portion of the repayment period of the student loans; and (3) that the debtor has made good faith efforts to repay the loans. Marie Brunner, debtor in that famous case, did not fully meet those standards and was denied discharge. She could not prove any additional circumstances that indicated things would not change in the future.
In 1990, the law was changed to require seven years in payment status before a student loan could be discharged. , In 1998, the payment status discharge option was deleted entirely from the statute by Congress. This left only the "undue hardship" standard for discharge. In 2005, for no particular reason disclosed in legislative history, Congress accorded private student lenders the discharge protection once only allowed to government guaranteed or government funded student loans.
Now, it is time for another change in the law. This time Congress should help relieve student loan borrowers from a lifetime of debt slavery. Full bankruptcy discharge should be permitted for all student loans.
Pese a la estabilización presupuestaria, las corporaciones públicas y los planes de retiro agudizan los problemas financieros de Puerto Rico
Por Joanisabel González / joanisabel.gonzalez@elnuevodia.com
El déficit acumulado del Gobierno se ha disparado hasta casi duplicarse en apenas tres años fiscales.
La brecha entre las obligaciones que tiene el Gobierno, sus actividades y corporaciones públicas versus los recursos que posee se ubicó en $33,678 millones, la cifra más alta que se haya registrado, según consta en el Informe Financiero Consolidado Anual (CAFR, por sus siglas en inglés).
La cifra deficitaria es, a su vez, casi cuatro veces la registrada en el fiscal 2002 y se concretó pese al ajuste fiscal implementado por la administración en el poder y el aumento de los recaudos por nuevos impuestos.
También se produjo con todo y la merma del déficit presupuestario, el antipático despido de empleados públicos y dos planes de estímulo fiscal como mecanismos para atender la insuficiencia de fondos y reactivar la economía.
Tiene problemas viendo este BoletIn? Oprima aquI;. |
Bufete Emmanuelli, C.S.P. | Urbanización Constancia | Calle San Francisco 2803 | Ponce | 00732-0779 | Puerto Rico |