Bufete Emmanuelli, C.S.P. Reciba orientación gratis y confidencial por un abogado o abogada, sobre la necesidad o conveniencia de una quiebra bajo los Capítulos 13 y 7. Además, tramitamos reclamaciones bajo el Seguro Social Federal. 787-848-0666. Agencia de Alivio de Deudas/Debt Relief Agency. Le ayudamos a radicar su quiebra bajo el Código de Quiebras Federal. Urbanización Constancia Calle San Francisco 2803 Ponce, Puerto Rico 00732-0779
Quiebra Capítulo 7
Bajo el Capítulo 7 se descargan o perdonan sus deudas no aseguradas, como lo son los préstamos personales, deudas de tarjetas de crédito, entre otros. No son descargables las hipotecas, los préstamos de auto, las ventas condicionales sobre enseres, las hipotecas muebles sobre materiales de construcción, los préstamos estudiantiles, las pensiones alimentarias ni los impuestos de los últimos cuatro años. La descarga de las deudas no aseguradas que complicaban su presupuesto le permitirá contar con ingreso disponible para mejorar su calidad de vida.
El deudor radicará la petición solo o con su cónyuge, o de no estar legalmente casados, ambas personas pueden radicar peticiones separadas y pedir la consolidación de sus casos. Presentarán las planillas informativas de sus bienes y deudas y se solicitarán las exenciones aplicables bajo la Ley Federal para proteger sus bienes indispensables. Deberá también someter evidencia del valor de su casa, auto y del balance de sus deudas.
martes, 19 de abril de 2011
lunes, 18 de abril de 2011
domingo, 17 de abril de 2011
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jueves, 14 de abril de 2011
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011
How Often Can I File Bankruptcy?
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File Upload Service Upload Files to Anyone, Anywhere! Fast, Secure & Easy (Free Trial) ShareFile.com/File-Upload-Service Disability SSDI & SSI Receive Full Disability Benefits. Free Case Evaluation & information Attorney.SocialSecurityHome.com Pesquera Law Firm Personal Injury Our Concentration - Free Case Reviews. No Win - No Fee www.pesqueralaw.com/ Separation Agreement Form Create a Separation Agreement to divide property and debts. www.LawDepot.com Florida Chap 7 Bankruptcy Attorney Serving South Florida - Starting at $1,499 plus court costs www.AbogadaFlorida.com Commercial Lawyer Antwerp Commercial-Corporate, Debt Recovery Int'l & Domestic Legal Service www.drmul.com Often times clients ask me if they can file bankruptcy twice. There seems to be the mistaken belief among many people, attorneys included, that you cannot file bankruptcy twice or that the Federal Law places a specific limit on the number of times that you can file bankruptcy. Actually, the limits on bankruptcy are not on the number of times that you can file. Rather, The limits on filing bankruptcy are not so much on the number of times that you can "file" but rather on how often you can get a "discharge" of your debts in a bankruptcy case that you have filed. For example, you can file Chapter 7 this year, get a discharge, then file Chapter 13 in two years and the Court will allow the filing. However, you may not be eligible to receive a discharge in the subsequent case. There is a complex set of rules that apply. For example, you can receive a Chapter 7 discharge 8 years after a Chapter 7 filing and 6 years after a Chapter 13 filing. You would need to consult with a highly experienced bankruptcy lawyer who has a strong command of the relevant rules to answer this question properly. In the Chapter 13 context the waiting periods to obtain a discharge are shorter, meaning you have to wait less time after a bankruptcy filing to be able to file a Chapter 13 and obtain a discharge of your debts in that Chapter 13 case. The rules differ depending upon whether your prior case was a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 case. There are rules that provide that if you file multiple bankruptcies you receive less benefits in the subsequently filed bankruptcies, such as reduced or non-existent bankruptcy automatic stay, which would primarily affect a Chapter 13 case and not a Chapter 7 case because Chapter 13 is usually filed to obtain the benefit of the automatic stay and stop a foreclosure. So if you are considering bankruptcy and need to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (or under any other Chapter, such as Chapter 13), make sure your lawyer understands that the limits on bankruptcy filings mainly address the number of discharges that you can obtain in given period of time and not the number of times that you can file for bankruptcy protection. So, as you can see, there are many factors that affect whether or not you can file bankruptcy again and what type of relief is available in your subsequent bankruptcy. If you did not receive a discharge in your subsequent bankruptcy, it is very likely that you can file another bankruptcy right away and obtain a discharge of your debts. If you did receive a discharge in your subsequent bankruptcy, then you will have to wait the required number of years in order to obtain a discharge again. Mark Aalam San Diego Bankruptcy Lawyer
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